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Astral Hunters is a game in early alpha where you equip your character with two weapons, then jump in an endless space shooter. When you kill enemies they might drop gems. Put these gems into a basket, and try to fill the quota each round!

There will be updates further down the line

WASD = Move
LMB = Shoot (left cannon)
RMB = Shoot (right cannon)
Q = Second ability on left cannon (only works for Heal Pack, the weapon on the bottom)
E = Second ability on right cannon (only works for Heal Pack, the weapon on the bottom)
Esc/Enter = Pause game


Alpha 1.1.1:

Glitch/bug fixes:

Picking random weapons will no longer give you more weapons than 2 at a time.

The Nebula Leech enemy will now deal damage whenever it hits you.

Changes: When an attack would normally one hit you, it will now set your HP to 1 as long as you had more than 50 HP when you were hit.

Alpha 1.1 the Better Combat update:


Added 10 new weapons which are:

The Minigun: A fast shooting risk/reward weapon that can overheat if used too much.

The Missile: Shoots a missile that targets an enemy.

The Mini Missiles: Shoots 51 missiles that targets enemies.

Nebula Essence: Shoots nebulae at enemies close enough.

Railgun: Shoots a rail straight forward that deals insane amounts of damage and pierces.

Grappling Hook: Grapples the closest enemy, and pinches it until destroyed.

Soul Drainer: When enemies are close enough it will drain the life of enemies and heal you with it.

Gamblers Hand: Throws out a dice that has a different effect depending on what it rolls.

Turret launcher: Launches a turret that targets enemies depending on what you want it to target.

Buffer: Increases your damage by 150%, and the second ability will boost this even further and speed up your firing speed.

Added 3 new enemies which are:

The Stealer: Will come and steal gems that you have delivered, and then head off immediately.

Nebula Leech: Will teleport around and build up speed to eventually hit you until destroyed.

The Engineer: Flies around the place and places turrets down that will shoot you from afar.

Added Random.

Added a Tutorial.

Added stats to all weapons, and descriptions to some of them.

Added several death messages that can pop up when dying.

Added some new sounds.

When dying you can now see how many gems you collected in that round.

Added something special for you at Wave 10.


The exit game button has now been switched out with a tutorial button.


Solar Flare has a slightly bigger hitbox.

Increased the Heal Pack's AOE hitbox by double the size.

Increase the Heal Pack's damage from 30 -> 45

Increased the healing of Heal Pack's healing particles from 2 -> 3

Made Heal Pack's healing particles more reliable.

Increased the range of Shocker's "bouncing" effect by 50%.

Increased the size of the universe by 50%.


Reduced Shocker's damage from 1 -> 0.75

Reduced Standard Gun's damage from 50 -> 35

Reduced the black hole's size, and increased the amount of damage reduction enemies inside it have.

Reduced the Drone's speed while flying around you.


Increased the spawn rate of gems by a lot.

Gem Quota will increase by more the further waves you're in.

Enemy spawn rate has been reduced by half.

Enemies start off weak, but in the further waves they get stronger.

Your HP gets fully recovered when a new wave starts.

All enemies die when a new wave starts.

Changed some sounds.

Made solar flare more ๐น๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐’ธ๐“Ž.

There are probably other changes in the update that I forgot to document.


Fixed some error in the code making Shocker and Tesla Coil do a lot more damage than they were supposed to.

Fixed a bug where weapons wouldn't always deal damage.

Fixed a glitch where several enemies would drop gems if they died at the same frame.

Fixed the energysteal mechanic.

Fixed a glitch where you couldn't equip Tesla Coil on both cannons.

Alpha 1.0.1: 

Added a pause feature.
Added a main menu button that you will be able to use in the pause menu and when you die.
Added text that shows you which wave you made it to when you died.
Added text that shows you the name of the weapons in the garage.

Removed a debug feature that showed you the last amount of damage you did.

Changed the way the Heal Pack controls. You will now be able to hold down the button to shoot, and will instead hold down Q or E to make the healing particles float towards you.
Gave the "Restart?" button a proper sprite.
Changed the version number to Alpha Version 1.0.1 and made the text easier to see.
Made weapons flash invisible/visible when you get hit.
Reduced the volume of all sounds

Fixed a glitch that made you unable to use Solar Flare when it was equipped on the right cannon.
Fixed a glitch that made you able to equip the same weapon on the same cannon twice.
Probably fixed some more glitches, but I honestly must've forgotten.

Alpha 1.0.0


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